Giving is an honor If you have much, give of your wealth. If you have little, give of your heart. -Rumi You can send tax deductible charitable donations by the following means: ACH or Checks payable to Sawa Foundation PO Box 64542 Virginia Beach, VA 23467 Get In Touch For any question or concern, please send us through the below form Contact us Name Email Address Phone Please choose a subject from the dropdown Please choose a subject from the dropdownI want to receive your email updatesI want to volunteerI have a question / feedback about a Sawa project.I have a project to proposeI want to give you feedbackI want you to come speak about your work at my group, club, organization, civic league or church Message 6 + 1 = Send Vanessa Sparkman Children´s Advocacy General Administration Andrew Basta Field Director Project Manager Adonis Agha President of the Board Special Advocacy for Lebanon Akram Shakeri Near East Director Christin Andrew HR Director Volunteer Opportunities 757.319.7734